Come On, I Dare You!

“Don’t be such a coward. You should take a risk!” people might shout directly at your face when you tell them that you stuck in a moment you can’t get out.
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“Don’t be such a coward. You should take a risk!” people might shout directly at your face—though you never ask for their suggestion—when you tell them that you stuck in a moment you can’t get out. Yet when they talk about risk, do they mean financial risk, recreational risk, physical risk, emotional risk, social status risk, or what risk? Well, obviously they can’t answer because people tend to differ a person only into two types: the risk-taker or the risk-avoider.

A risk-taker person usually identified with their ability to see failure as a new opportunity and keep moving forward to embrace every obstacle. Whereas, a risk-avoider person is noted with their pride in a secure and stable life. Those who seek comfort and a guarantee that everything will be just okay. As a result, people don’t realize that risk-taking is completely obscure. Someone who takes a recreational risk such as do the extreme sports might afraid to take a financial risk like investing money in the stock market. Don’t you get it? We are that complex.  

We are a risk-taker and a risk-avoider at one being. There are some exceptions, variables, and different timing that can change our risk preferences. We all must have felt the fear of taking a risk, only that the fear has been represented in different aspect of our life. Just to be frank, fear in itself isn’t bad. When we shifted that fear into a positive and healthy behaviour, we are just astounding. Imagine that every time we are facing some risk, your risk-avoider part will analyse every possibility and do the calculation. More to mention, having a contingency plan B! We are choosing the option which worth more, which has more benefit, which can guarantee us that everything will turn out right. Then let our risk-taker energy do the work. Let us make a bold move to step into the unknown and be strong to embrace the anxiety of risk-taking.

We can’t achieve anything if we don’t take it both in mediation, but it is always okay to choose our strategy as long as we know ourselves. Then handle our life in our unique way and yes, we can call that as a risk-calculated move. Finally, we can shout back at them. “You know nothing, Jon Snow!”

Notes: we can guarantee that purchasing our stuff is way far less than a risk-taking move but you know what, every purchase comes along with two years warranty! Subscribe to our mailing list to know more about the details.

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