Please Open This Letter For You

A true-story about how entrepreneurship and new projects can crushed our soul.

Dear You Who Still Hustling to be Entrepreneur,

Hey, we haven’t talked for a while since we can’t remember when. We’re going to tell you a story. Story about how entrepreneurship and new projects have crushed our soul (exaggerate phrase intended). Please kindly check our new products (Dapper Muntjac)). You may read or hear how media and society have been romanticized and glorified the terms of entrepreneurship.

The entrepreneurs’ journey has always been framed by the “zero to hero” story, the “feel good” story, or the “college dropouts that succeed” story. The truth is, start-ups are hard, and being an entrepreneur will often crush your time and your soul. Quoted another entrepreneur that

“the real story of entrepreneurship is one of constant rejection, frayed relationships, inevitable betrayal, roller coasters of emotions, and a rocky process whereby “work” and “life” become one.”

We can totally feel that. How about you? Can you feel that?

“…. entrepreneurship is one of constant rejection, frayed relationships, inevitable betrayal, roller coasters of emotions, and a rocky process whereby “work” and “life” become one.”

We, ourselves, also have started Starke through the ups and downs since 2015. Everything that we have learned (and continue to learn) makes us humble and grateful. The key tip about how we can thrive until now is we keep our clear vision of Starke and stick to it. We know our value.

In our case, Starke wants to provide you the variety of fashion goods with the concept of simplicity with unnecessary detail. We aim to create a head to toe fashion goods to bring a sense of elegance into your rapid (and slowly killing) urban lifestyle.

Our products are basic yet necessary and measurably better due to our extra attention to details. We hope that everything we made is how you want your life to be. Orderly, robust, strike in a neutral colour palette, elegant, and structured.

Whether you want to start your own business or still love the stability to build a career , it doesn’t matter. As long as you know, not only the bright side of every aspect but also the hardship. Hardship that you will face alongside your choice. Godspeed!


PS : Have you checked our new messenger bag that has been keeping us busy lately?


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